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The Most Important Things I've Learned In Class

~There are only 7 movements in dance-binding, gliding, turning, stretching, jumping, rising and darting

~you can't fall off the floor (easily)

~you can tell how you feel but NEVER complain

~don't make excuses

~"Can't" doesn't exist

~Never think you cannot do a step before you even try it

~There's always going to be some one better than me, don't get discouraged

~Never show your anger towards your teacher doesn't matter how unfair they might be

~when a teacher picks on you and you don't like do bubble therapy (Mrs. B) (want to know what bubble therapy is?email me and i'll tell you!)

~there's pain involved in dancing

~It is better to get embarrassd by asking a "stupid" question about a particular dance step than to not know what you are doing and train the wrong muscle

~it's easier to do it right the frst time than slaking off

~it's not sweat it's glow

~The effort makes the dance

~As long as you smile the audience won't notice a mistake

~en dehors starts in the front and ends in the back

~en dedans begins in the back and ends in the front

~Never always rely on bars

~Don't let your personal or social life affect your dancing

~You're told to spot for a reason

~You're better off doing a slow single then a crazy @**ed double

~Turnout is an illusion (Brain Lewis)

~When in arabesque, make sure your spine is straight, not crunched

~Don't wear too much glitter during a show - it makes you look sweaty.

  Dance Tips
At Barre : 1. Always remember to pointe your toes!
2. When doing Grand Plies all your strength going down and coming up should come from your thighs or stomache, keep your back straight, and to come up don't pull up by the barre!
3. Turn out from the hips!
4. Make sure that your elbows look soft and relax the hand, so it looks really pretty!!!
5. Dont forget the head positions depending on where your arms are! Ex: If your hands are in second position, then your head should be straight forward.

Practice Makes Perfect
Across the Floor : 1. Never look down on the floor in ballet, unless your teacher told you to.
2. Keep the same distance from your partner(s) as how it was when you started so you dont bump into each other.
3. When doing suvenues, channe or any other turning movements always remember to spot and keep a straight line so you dont end up in a different end of the room going in zig zag lines.

Giving it all you've got!: "Practice makes perfect" is a really good quote! If you want to be a good dancer, you always have to practice and stretch at home! Even if you have the best talent in class, the hard work is what counts the most. You shouldnt practice at home if you are a beginner, because you may do the movement wrong and then it's hard to learn it the right way over again. But you can always stretch to increase your flexibility!

Arabesque-position of the body, in profile, supported on one leg, which can be straight or demi-plié, with the other leg extended behind and at right angles to it, and the arms held in various harmonious positions creating the longest possible line from the fingertips to the toes.
Chassé-Chased. A step in which one foot literally chases the other foot out of its position; done in a series.
Glissade-Glide. A traveling step executed by gliding the working foot from the fifth position in the required direction, the other foot closing to it.
Piqué-stepping directly on the point or demi-pointe of the working foot in any desired direction or position with the other foot raised in the air.
Plié-bending of the knee or knees.
Relevé-A raising of the body on the points or demi-pointes, point or demi-pointe.
Recital or Preformance : 1.As long as you smile the audience will never know you've made a mistake.
2. If you accidentaly spilled something on your costume, or got lipstick on it during a rehearsal, to get rid of the stain I really recommend using these tissues called "SHOUT"! They come with instructions how to use, and really work~!

Dance is Movement and Movement is life.